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The CIAR is an innovative Testing Center, whose objective is the integration of both Aerial Research Platforms (ARP) and new Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) developments.This centre offers the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the aircraft development and the evaluation of the campaigns needed, in order to have the possibility to test the systems in a safe and efficient way.

The selected airfield for the project, located in Rozas, offers a privileged place, as the UAS can only fly in restricted areas due to their recent appearance. The new regulation that affects this kind of systems and their flights is still in development.

The Unmanned Aerial Systems present an extraordinary growth capacity, due to the wide range of uses they offer: wildfires surveillance, environmental control, fishing activities, control of toxic leaks in the sea… In addition, the UAS have other advantages against their crewed counterparts, such as the flight time, consumption, size… For all of this, UAS are a fundamental piece to keep the technological development capabilities of the aeronautical sector in short to medium term.


View of the CIAR Control Tower