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In order to provide CIAR with the most advanced technology for managing complex flight scenarios within the U-Space framework, DronAs prototype was acquired and is available to CIAR users.

DronAs has B2B tools and services suitable for U-Space management before flight (strategic phase), during flight (tactical phase) and a specific tool for strategic simulation, oriented to the resolution of conflicts between planned missions, resolving losses of separation between aircraft - real, simulated or mixed - that may arise during the flight, in supervised flight monitoring with loss-of-adherence alarms in the medium and short term, and in the analysis of KPIs and KPAs with the main flight and airspace management metrics, whether in real, simulated or mixed flight

Strategic phase (before flight)

DronAs enables the creation of safe, conflict-free airspaces thanks to a strategic deconflicting service. It also has a tool for analyzing planned scenarios and assessing the impact on airspace, the variation of minimum separation distances between aircraft and/or interaction times when validating missions.

Tactical phase (during flight)

An adherence management module is available, which verifies whether the current flight position matches the planned one or whether the reserved volume is being used within the selected time interval. In case of loss of adherence, it activates a preventive alert service. Medium-term (after a mission update in execution phase) and short-term conflict alerts are also provided.

DronAs 2.0, with new functionalities

This prototype has evolved into a new commercial product, DronAs 2.0, which incorporates new features and improvements. This evolution was motivated by the adaptation to the sectorial maturity of the concept of U-space operations, the accommodation to the evolution of the regulations applicable to service providers or USSPs (Implementing Regulations 2021/664, 665 and 666), the incorporation of new U-space services, mainly U3 and U4, the increase of the robustness, interoperability and scalability of the platform and the improvement of the experience of the different users of the platform.

New testing and certification typologies: USSP perspective

With the USSP perspective, DronAs 2.0 platform, which can be integrated into a U-Space airspace, enables the creation, monitoring and analysis of safe airspaces.

The main operational novelty lies in the interoperation of DronAs 2.0 with CISP (Common Information Service Provider). This new system is the one established by current regulations as an actor that, among other functions, must ensure interoperation with the delegated entity for the provision of navigation services, as well as that systems and services providers in U-Space airspaces (USSPs) share information relevant to operational safety.

The integration of DronAs 2.0 with the CISP enables new types of testing and/or certification processes. Examples are certification of systems for the provision of UTM serivces, certification of devices for electronic identification of flight platforms, certification of operator systems such as Ground Control Station (GCS) for U-Space operation, UAM (Urban Air Mobility) airspace recreation, etc.


Figure 7. DronAS 2.0 architecture. Image provided by ASLOGIC.


U-Space serivces at DronAs 2.0

List of DronAs 2.0 main services:

  • U-space airspace configuration (corridors/ free flight/ hybrid)
  • Geofences and flight restricted areas, both static and dynamic.
  • Incorporation of geofences, NOTAMS, etc. established by authorities (requires interoperation with CISP)
  • Operator, pilot and flight platform management (eRegistry)
  • Planning by operators of safe missions in the strategic phase
  • Monitoring and analysis of the execution of safe missions in the tactical phase
  • Digital recording of the operation


APIs for third-parties applications

DronAS 2.0 REST services use JsonRPC 2.0 as the main protocol for the operator to interoperate with DronAs platform, integrating them into their own systems for planning (proprietary mission planner) and mission execution.

Apart from basic functions, (authentication on the platform, obtaining the time, etc.), REST services recover information from U-Space (actives geofences and LoL alerts, LoA, short/medium term conflicts, etc.) and manage the flight plan (approval/deletion, cancellation, activation and termination, temporal/spatial modification, notifications, etc.).

Interoperability with others USSPs

DronAs 2.0 can coexist with other USSPs in a shared U-space airspace, which allows testing and certification of manufacturers' solutions of this type of software for deployment in U-space and requires integration with the CISP, following these basic principles:

  • The USSP has the functions of approval and management of flight plans of the operators to which provides U-space services.
  • The USSP is able to receive from the CISP in real time any notification of status change that impacts on operational safety.
  • The USSP ensures that it provides its operators with all aeronautical information available in the CISP that is relevant to maintaining operational safety.
  • The USSP notifies the CISP of the flight plans that approves, as well as any modifications they may undergo in the strategic phase.
  • The USSP notifies the CISP of the flight plan activation and any tracking data occurrence from that time until the flight plan termination is notified.