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The PIMAD is a prototype (Para la Información Meteorológica y Ayuda a la Decisión) for meteorological information and decision assistance, and it is made up of two modules. The first one establishes the meteorological measures from a determined number of variables with the least measurement uncertainty possible to being able to consider them as “real data”. The second one comprises a group of scenarios made with multiphysic simulation, through which different scenarios are obtained.

The objective has been to demonstrate the capability to use it in the CIAR (Rozas Airfield). To prove it, it starts with the data already collected by the instrumentation in the CIAR, which is considered as the “truth” of meteorological data. First at surface level (with its measurement uncertainty) and then in other levels, with the support of vertical visibility profiles, temperature and wind. Once the database is built, it is possible to validate the forecasted scenarios and see how much it can. This makes it possible to relate real data with the different models, validating them.

The PIMAD allows to validate all the variables that allows the WRF model simulation, and therefore a Working Platform has been created for the application of some determined variables, but it is necessary to highlight that it can be applied to every meteorological variable obtained from the simulation.

Imagen que muestra el modelo de simulación WRF que ofrece (PIMAD)