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About Lugo


Founded by the Romans with the name of Lucus Augusti, the city of Lugo treasures more than two thousand years of history and heritage. Lugo is the only city in the world to be surrounded by completely intact Roman walls, which reach a height of 10 to 14 meters and has a perimeter of around 2200 meters protected by the UNESCO. Furthermore, there are archaeology and history museums where you can learn about Lugo. The city also has a wonderful cathedral close to the wall. If you want to feel the Spanish experience, go to the bars to eat tapas in downtown.

Walking around the Roman Walls you can enjoy the ten different gates which each of them has their own history. Five of them were opened few years ago because of the grown of the city.

The Walls keep a lot of wonderful history and monuments. One of them is the Cathedral of Lugo, in Santa Maria´s square, which was built between 1129 and 1273. You are free to enter inside to enjoy the amazing renaissance altarpiece. The opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

In the museum Domus de Mitreo you will find the most important archaeology discovery after the wall where are components of a Roman house, domus which means “house” and Mitreo “temple dedicated to the sun god Mitra”.

Another must-to-visit is the main square, where you can take some pictures of the town hall or visit the art school. In the medieval era, the market used to take place here.

But there is much more outside the wall. Next to the Miño River, there are two amazing monuments, first one, you can find a Roman bridge which was built to enter in the city and the second one are the roman baths, a place where the people used to meet.

If you are looking for Spanish tapas you should go to downtown where you will find a lot of bars. When you order a drink you get your free Spanish tapa, which can be Spanish omelet, octopus, potatoes with sauces, meat… even paella!

Let´s take a walk!