INTA's Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) has been working since 2005 on the promotion of science and technology in order to promote those initiatives of scientific culture, dissemination, dissemination and education of science that allow transmit knowledge and bring research and the scientific profession closer to the non-specialized public. Its main objective is to promote scientific vocations among the youngest, give visibility to the Institution, its researchers and the techno-scientific activity, itself, thus improving its perception by society and promoting citizen participation in the scientific debate. All this with the aim of improving and increasing the training, culture and scientific knowledge of citizens.
In this context, INTA's UCC+i:
- It works to promote and improve the visibility of our Institution, research and researchers, implementing actions that facilitate their approach to society, improving their skills and abilities for a greater dissemination of the projects and research carried out in their laboratories.
- It works to promote and awaken scientific vocations among the youngest, since they will be the ones from science and technology to participate in the creation of an economic development model based on knowledge and innovation.
- It works from transversality and permanent education in the process of scientific literacy of the whole of society, and the awareness of public opinion about the importance and benefits of R+D+i in the industrial, economic and social improvement that the advances in the field of research.
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