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ExpoDrónica 2017


INTA in ExpoDrónica 2017

From 21st to 22nd September, ExpoDrónica 2017 will take place at Feria de Zaragoza. ExpoDrónica is an event devoted to the drone sector, that has experimented a huge advance in the more recent years in Spain. Drones are considered the RPAS (remoted piloted aerial system) of the lowest weight category. INTA is not directly engaged with drones, but with high performances RPAS. However, INTA shares interests with the dronde sector considering scientific, technical and commercial aspects. In ExpoDrónica 2017, INTA will show some of its developments in RPAS, and will participate in the technical sesions also, exposing its facilities for in-flight testing of civil-use RPAS.

More information about the event on http://expodronica.com/es/

Fechas del Evento :