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Imagen subsite INTA


Instalaciones Centro de Ensayos de Turborreactores CET en INTA


Reducing pollutants from the aviation sector is one of the cornerstones of ACARE's FlighPath2050 and SRIA. As a result, various programs are born as part of the Horizon 2020 and CleanSky calls.

In order to support European industry, research groups and regulatory authorities, INTA's Turbojet Testing Center (CET), in collaboration with CIEMAT and Rolls-Royce, is developing a unique scientific-technological infrastructure to serve as a platform for demonstration and evaluation of new measurement technologies for the analysis of emissions from turbofan engines, which help to assess their impact on the environment.

The CET has the first European cell equipped with a continuous measurement point for environmental emissions, following the LTO cycles (Landing Take Off, or landing and takeoff cycle), which allows comparison with the measures, regulated by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), without increasing costs or operating the tests.

This infrastructure allows the characterization of emissions from engines. INTA is carrying out deterministic work and characterization of gas and particle emissions, dating and providing mass and numerical concentrations of the emission aerosol, classification by size of particulate matter (PM), as well as the chemical composition and morphological analysis of samples collected during motor operations.