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Imagen subsite INTA




The Technology Transfer Office (known as OTRI by its Spanish acronym) provides INTA’s researchers with specialised advice in Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) issues. We act as well as an interface between INTA’s research groups, the University’s scientific community, administrative bodies and those companies seeking new technology.


OTRI’S Mission

  • We improve existing communication between INTA and the profitable industrial market.
  • We spread among the companies the transferable results generated by the INTA’s research groups.
  • We value, protect and transfer the INTA’s Intellectual Property Rights.
  • We facilitate the carrying out of contracts, technical assistance and consultancy service between INTA and partner companies.
  • We increase the awareness of INTA’s vital scientific and technological contribution to society.
  • We boost the knowledge and technology transfer.