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Imagen subsite INTA


ICMET2024 Congress Madrid 29-31 October 2024

ICMET2024 is an international conference for scientists, researchers and students to discuss and exchange their new ideas, novel results, work in progress and experience on all aspects related to Maritime Efficiency and Energy Transition. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Maritime Efficiency

  • Hydrodynamic Design
  • Ship Hull Optimization
  • Boundary Layer Control
  • Microbubble Drag Reduction
  • CFD Optimization for Naval Application
  • Innovation in Hydrodynamic Testing
  • Synergies with other Transport System

Energy Transition

  • Wind Assited Propulsion
  • Offshore Energy Generation
  • Offshore Hydrodynamic Design
  • Hydrogen Production, Storage and Transport
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Carbon Capture and Conversion Technologies
  • Synergies with other Transport Systems

Organized by:

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