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Local & Online Information

ICMET2024 Congress Madrid 29-31 October 2024

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, partially online, partially at INTA- CEHIPAR at the "Campus of El Pardo" in Madrid during the days 29th to 31st of October of 2024.


The days 29th and 30th of October will be held only online. The day 31st of October will be held in person, though those who cannot attend in person this last day could join us virtually. The details for the online meeting, which will be the same for all three days, follows:

Platform: Microsoft Teams
Id. de reunión: 331 475 660 596
Código de acceso: VCgdLD


The day 31st of October will be held in person at the Campus of "El Pardo" of "Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial" (INTA-CEHIPAR) located at Madrid in Spain. Those who want to attend by car, needs to fill in the form with the car's details that will be send by email before Wednesday at 11:00 in the morning. There are room only for the first 40 cars. The details of the location follows :

 Ctra. de la Sierra, s/n. - 28048 El Pardo (Madrid), Spain

CEHIPAR location


 Telephone: +34 913 762 100

 Official website of the El Pardo Campus (cehipar.inta.es)

CEHIPAR building main facadeplan of facilities of CEHIPAR


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