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Imagen subsite INTA

Local Information

ICMET2024 Congress Madrid 29-31 October 2024


The conference will be held at INTA- CEHIPAR at the "Campus of El Pardo" in Madrid during the days 29th to 31st of October of 2024. 

CEHIPAR building main facadeplan of facilities of CEHIPAR


Campus of El Pardo, Madrid

Reference center for research and development in civil and military shipbuilding.

 Telephone: +34 913 762 100

 Fax: +34 913 760 176

 Email: sgnavales@inta.es

 Ctra. de la Sierra, s/n. - 28048 El Pardo (Madrid)

 Official website of the El Pardo Campus (cehipar.inta.es)


CEHIPAR location






Organized by:

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