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Imagen subsite INTA

Driving Simulators

Pistas INTA driving simulators are designed to train drivers in solving dangerous situations, learning the best maneuvers to avoid road accidents but also to optimize the use of the vehicles and reduce CO2 emissions thru economic driving courses.


Buses, trucks and articulated trucks. Multiple types of scenarios (urban, highway, etc), roads (motorway, mountain, etc..), ground (type of asphalt irregularities, level of adhesion, etc..), and wheather conditions (rain, snow, fog, etc. .)

Panoramic driving simulator 

 Driving simulators Multiple types of scenarios

Driving simulator controls

How to use them

INTA currently has 3 driving simulators:

Model Tutor (2 units):

Large, high-level simulations, consisting of a real cabin mounted on a moving platform, open to any type of driving. 
They require a simulator instructor to be operated.


Driving simulators Model Tutor

Model Simbio (1 unit):

The new generation of simulators, of a smaller size, with no moving platform and with a new specialized software focused on preventive driving.
Its mission is to encourage users to have an attitude while driving, they are not designed for defensive driving. No instructor is required for operation.


Driving simulators Model Simbio


The driving simulators are available to companies. INTA doe not provide any kind of driver training. INTA rents the facility and offers technical support.

Tutor Model simulators can only be operated by qualified instructors. In order to obtain this qualification, INTA holds instructors couses in the use of the simulator; this course can be simultaneously done by several trainers and lasts approximately 2 hours (can be done in one morning) . After this course a certificate is issued in the name of the instructor, which enables him to use them.

In the rates section, you can find the rates of each simulator (which can be rented by the hour, half day or full day) and the fee of the training course in Tutor driving simulator.

If you are interested in the use of simulators, you just have to propose us dates, and, if there's avaliability, we will proceed to the reservation of the facility (either for use or for the training course in Tutor simulator).