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Imagen subsite INTA

Facilities and resources


INTA has the expertise and counts on different types of fully-equipped facilities for performing several electromagnetic tests. It also has experience and capability for running simulations with numerical solvers.

Test ranges and facilities:

  • OATS (Open Area Test Site): 50×50 m outdoor platform for EMC tests.
  • SAC (Semi-Anechoic Chamber): L24xW14xH10 m facility with 2.5m long absorber material on the walls and ceiling for EMC tests.
  • MTC (Mode Tuned Chamber): 100MHz-40GHz.
  • SMTC (Small Mode Tuned Chamber); 400MHz-40GHz.
  • BIANCHA (Bistatic Anechoic Chamber): This facility joins a L7xW3xH3 m standard rectangular anechoic chamber together with a novel spherical (1.7m radii) fully-automated bistatic system for multi-purpose tests, including free-space material characterization.

Antennas and sensors

  • Main antennas for LLSC and LLSF purposes:
    • Two horizontal and vertical dipoles manufactured by INTA for the frequency range from 2 to 30 MHz.
    • A biconilog antenna model 3143 manufactured by EMCO for the frequency range from 27 to 1000 MHz.
    • BiLog antenna from 100 MHz to 1GHz and several Double Ridged Horn antennas covering from 1 to 18GHz.
  • Sensors for LLDD, LLSC and LLSF purposes:
    • Multi-Gap Loop J-Dots for surface current measurement.
    • RX E-field sensors: D-dot from 100MHz to 1GHz and Top Hat antenna from 500 MHz to 18GHz.
  • Other antennas:
    • Two complete standard gain horn antenna sets from ETS-Lindgren and Flann Microwave covering from 1 to 40 GHz.
    • Two sets of two dual-polarized conical and circular probes covering from 0.8 to 26.5 GHz.

Test and measurement equipment

INTA is fully equipped with signal generators, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, power amplifiers, power meters, network analyzers, etc. Among this equipment it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Rohde&Schwarz ZNC3 2-port vector network analyzer from 9kHz to 3GHz
  • Rohde&Schwarz ZVA50 vector network analyzer: It’s a modern 4-port VNA from 10 MHz to 50 GHz.
  • RF power amplifiers covering from 9kHz to 40GHz, CW and Pulse Modulated capable of delivering up to 10kW on a 50 Ohm load.

Numerical modelling capabilities

  • Solvers: Ansys EDT 19.1, Altair FEKO 2018.1, SEMBA (UGRDFDTD), EMA3D, FASCRO
  • CAD and mesh: Rhinoceros 5, CADFix 12.0, Gid 13.1, CATIAv5
  • Computing platform: HPC cluster with 20 machines (each machine: Intel Xeon E5-2680v3 @2.5 GHz / 24 cores / 128 GB)


UGR has the expertise to develop and perform EM simulations with home-made and commercial solvers. Also it has a small-prototype and characterization lab to made proof-of-concept systems.

Facilities for computing

  • Small Intel Xeon cluster (52 cores, 200 GB memory)
  • Access to the University of Granada UGRGRID cluster (Alhambra), with computing capabilities of 40 teraflops.


  • Development tools: MPI Intel Fortran and C compilers.
  • In-house EM tools: UGRFDTD, SEMBA, DOTIG.
  • Commercial tools: FEKO, HFSS.

Facilities for prototyping and electrical characterization

  • Material characterization capabilities:
    • Agilent 85070E Dielectric Probe Kit+ Agilent E5071C (500 MHz-8.5 GHz): specialized coaxial probe setup for calibrated measurements of complex permittivity.
  • Prototype manufacturing capabilities
    • LPKF Protomat S100: circuit board plotter for in-house prototyping applications including multilayer and RF applications.
    • Infrared BGA Rework Station Jovy Systems RE-8500: lead free soldering and desoldering of any PCB component.
  • Test and measurement capabilities
    • Rohde-Schwarz SME06 (5 kHz-6 GHz) signal generator.
    • Tektronix TDS820 (6 GHz) high-frequency oscilloscope.
    • HP8595E (9 kHz-6.5 GHz) spectrum analyzer.
    • Agilent E5071C (100 kHz-8.5 GHz) network analyzer.
    • HP437B (+probe 8482A) power meter. 


Test and measurement equipment

  • Compact (3-meter) full-anechoic chamber, with radiation absorbing material up to 3 GHz. Fully equipped (antennas, amplifiers, etc.) to perform immunity and emissions tests.
  • EMI Receiver Rohde-Schwarz ESPI-3. 9 KHz – 3 GHz.
  • Vector Network Analyzer Rohde-Schwarz ZVRE (9 kHz – 3 GHz). LF option (10 Hz – 3 GHz) incorporated (bypass of the directional couplers).
  • Vector Impedance Analyzer HP 4192A (5 Hz – 13 MHz).
  • Arbitrary Function Generator / Pulse Generator Agilent 81160A. 2.5 GSa/s. 500 MHz.
  • Compact Modular PXI System (National Instruments), with a 14-bit 64 MSa/s digitizer.

Numerical modeling capabilities

  • FDTD Numerical Electromagnetic Software. Schmid & Partner AG SEMCAD-X Running on a Windows Box with a dedicated Hardware Acceleration Board.