The Atmospheric Sounding Station is located in the coastal area surrounding Doñana National park, near the village of Mazagón (Huelva), in a rural area far from pollutant sources. With more than 300 clear sky days a year, it offers an excellent location for atmospheric observation. International intercomparisons are carried out in order to guaranty the quality control of networks of spectrophotometers measuring ozone and UV radiation, Broadband radiometers and aerosol photometers.
Its activity is mainly experimental and it is structured around the following lines:
Head: Dra. Margarita Yela González
Contact: Dr. Jose Antonio Adame Carnero
Ozone and solar ultraviolet radiation activities represent one of the main research lines of the ESAt since 1980. There are available ozone data since 1980, being the longest ozone time series in Spain. There are also available more than ten years of UV spectral irradiance and erythemal irradiance records.
Within these research lines, the following can be pointed out:
- Total ozone content measurements with the Dobson#120 spectrophotometer since 1980.
- Continuous monitoring and application of standard QA/QC criteria to the database and instruments:
The different studies carried out comprise a great deal of atmospheric parameters necessary for the knowledge and study of the ozone and ultraviolet radiation climatology, and the processes which affect it, the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the environment and influence of cloudiness on the ultraviolet radiation, and total ozone content among others.
The ESAt is the station 213 of the Ozone World Watch Network and has a Radiometric Calibration Laboratory in which numerous instruments measuring solar radiation are calibrated and possible sources of error which can influence the data are studied.
Due to the excellent geographical location, horizon, climatology and infrastructures; the ESAt is the head office for national and international calibration campaigns for instruments measuring ozone and solar radiation. This observatory, also due to the excellent relations with many research institutions, is frequently used to host instruments from other centers.
Nowadays, the ESAT collaborates very actively with several national and international institutions among which the following can be pointed out: the “Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía”, University of Extremadura, “Agencia Estatal española de meteorología” (AEMET), the World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), COST-726 European Action, etc.
Study of the atmospheric aerosol. Determination of their properties in relation with climate and quality air. Sun Photometer field and laboratory calibration.
Contact: Mar Sorribas Panero,
Characterisation and behaviour of several air pollutants such as surface ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds. As well as are studied different meteorological aspects in order to improve the understanding of the atmospheric dynamic in the south of Spain.
Contact: José Antonio Adame Carnero,
Contact: José Antonio Adame Carnero,
Website DGS-256: