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RLS Exomars Raman INTA Publications

Jan 2020 Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) calibration target design to allow onboard combined science between the RLS and MicrOmega instruments on the ExoMars rover

Guillermo Lopez‐Reyes,  Cedric Pilorget, Andoni G. Moral,  Jose Antonio Manrique,  Aurelio Sanz,  Alicia Berrocal,  Marco Veneranda,  Fernando Rull,  Jesús Medina,  Vincent Hamm,  Jean‐Pierre Bibring,  Jose Antonio Rodriguez,  Carlos Perez Canora,  Eva Mateo‐Marti,  Olga Prieto‐Ballesteros,  Emmanuel Lalla,  Jorge L. Vago

Published in: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy


Nov 2019:  RLS iOH: ExoMars Raman laser spectrometer optical head bread board to flight model design and performance evolutions

Gonzalo Ramos, Miguel Sanz‐Palomino, Andoni G. Moral, Carlos Pérez, Tomás Belenguer, Rosario Canchal, José A.R. Prieto, Amaia Santiago,  Cecilia Gordillo, David Escribano, Guillermo Lopez‐Reyes, Fernando Rull

Published in: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy


Sept 2019Design, development, and scientific performance of the Raman Laser Spectrometer EQM on the 2020 ExoMars (ESA) Mission. 

Andoni G. Moral, Fernando Rull, Sylvestre Maurice, Ian B. Hutchinson, Carlos P. Canora,  Laura Seoane, Guillermo López‐Reyes, Jose A. Rodriguez, Prieto, Pablo Rodríguez, Gonzalo Ramos, Yann Parot, Olivier Forni

Published in: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy


Sept 2019Raman Laser Spectrometer Flight Model Assembly and Integration Verification: end to end functional tests for thermal strap assembly procedure re-definition. 

J. Rodríguez-Prieto; G. Ramos ; A. G. Moral ; C. P. Canora; F. Rull; T. Belenguer; C. Quintana; J. Zafra; J. Cabrero; A. Santiago; D. Escribano

Published in: SPIE


Mar 2019End-to-end Ground Testing Framework for Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) on board Exomars 2020.

J. Zafra, J.Saiz, L. Seoane, C. Quintana, S. Ibarmia, C. Perez, A.G. Moral

Published in: SESP 2019


Oct 2018: CAN implementation and performance for Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) Instrument on Exomars 2020 Mission

Laura Seoane ; Carlos Díaz ; Jesús Zafra ; Sergio Ibarmia ; César Quintana ; Carlos Pérez ; Andoni Moral ; Alvaro Araujo

Publiched in: IEEE
