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Wed Apr 21 16:36:01 CEST 2021

First Announcement of Opportunity: AO-001 Launch of PAZ Science Phase

AO Publication Date: February 18th, 2019.

Submission of proposals due date: July 3rd, 2019.

The AO Proposals Submission is now closed. The next opportunity to apply will be posted on the PAZ-Ciencia webpage when available.

AO Description

The Announcement of Opportunity: Launch of the PAZ Scientific Phase is the first call to use PAZ image products with scientific objectives.

It is a general purpose call, with the main goal of bringing PAZ products to science users.

Researches are welcome to submit their proposal for this call before July 3, 2019 (submission of proposals closed).

AO Documents

  • Announcement of Opportunity: Launch of PAZ Science Phase.

                             EN    ES

  • Proposal template

                             EN    ES

  • PAZ L1B Product Format Specification


  • End User License Agreement
