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Imagen subsite INTA

PAZ-Ciencia News

[February 26, 2024] Informative Session. New CSA-DLR-INTA Joint Call.

[September 19, 2023] Remote Sensing Journal Special Issue "PAZ Ciencia: Review of the Scientific Results from Radar PAZ Mission Data"

[May 4, 2021] Launch of TSX, TDX, PAZ Joint Call

[March 30 - April 1, 2021] INTA PAZ Team participates in EUSAR 2021 Conference. You can find our talks in PAZ-Ciencia presentations sections.

[February 18, 2021] Launch of PAZ Ciencia Newsletter. Subscribe here!

[October 27-29, 2020] INTA participates in the 'III EIE Congreso de Ingeniería Espacial', presenting 'La explotación científica de PAZ: Observación de la tierra al servicio del desarrollo sostenible' y ''Actividades de ingeniería SAR del grupo científico de PAZ: Actualización del segmento terreno para la extensión de modos de imagen PAZ".

[September 27, 2019] INTA participates in the 'XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección', presenting 'Actividades Científicas de PAZ. Explotación Científica'.

[July 03, 2019] The Submission of Proposals for AO-001 has been closed. The scientific commitee of PAZ innitiates the review of the proposals. 

[June 14, 2019] The presentations of PAZ Science Activities Presentation Meeting have been published in Presentations section.

[June 12, 2019] PAZ SAR-L1B product format specification document has been published in PAZ Announcement of Opportunity section.

[June 05, 2019] Celebration of PAZ Science Activities Presentation Meeting in INTA.



INTA publica el primer Anuncio de Oportunidad para la Explotación Científica de PAZ

Lanzamiento de la Fase Científica de PAZ