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Remote Sensing Journal Special Issue "PAZ Ciencia: Review of the Scientific Results from Radar PAZ Mission Data"
  •   SAR PAZ Observación de la Tierra PAZ Ciencia Segmento Terreno Teledetección

We are pleased to announce that a special isse of Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292) journal is currently on-going: "PAZ Ciencia: Review of the Scientific Results from Radar Mission Data".

This special issue belongs to he section "Satellite Missions for Earth and Planetary Exploration". Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2023.

The Guest Editors Dr. José Fernández and Dr. Antonio Turiel and Guest Editors Assistants María José González Bonilla, Juan Manuel Cuerda Muñoz and Nuria Casal Vázquez encourage all PAZ Scientific Users to submit their manuscripts that outline their works carried out within the framework of the different PAZ Announcement of Opportunity Calls.

The journal has currently an Impact Factor 5.0 and Cite Score 7.9.

Check all the Special Issue info in this link.


Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

PAZ is the Spanish X-Band SAR mission, launched in 2018, that provides image products for commercial, security, defence and scientific purposes. The PAZ satellite was launched on February 22nd, 2018. After a successful LEOP and Commissioning Phase, the system was declared operational in September 2018; it is currently in the Routine Operations Phase with excellent radiometric and geometric performances. The PAZ mission is operated by HISDESAT, and its scientific use is managed by INTA (Spanish National Institute of Aerospace Technology) in the framework of PAZ Science Activities (PAZ Ciencia).

PAZ Science Activities fulfil INTA’s interest in fostering SAR science and technology, promoting the use of PAZ products for research purposes, including the development of new applications, methods or algorithms. By means of specific calls, INTA provides PAZ L1B products to research teams to be used for scientific research projects.

The aim of this Special Issue is to provide selected contributions that collect the first results obtained by PAZ Science research teams in the framework of the different PAZ Announcement of Opportunity.

Potential topics related to PAZ satellites include, but are not limited to: calibration; ground motion detection and monitoring with satellites; interferometry applications; soil surface moisture estimation; and the study of the unrest and eruption of La Palma.

SAR missions provide high-resolution, day and night and weather-independent images that are widely used for a multitude of applications covering change detection, monitoring, mapping, surveillance, geosciences, marine sciences, among others. Although SAR data and applications have been extensively used in recent decades, the scientific exploitation of SAR missions in general and of PAZ in particular allow research groups to expand the range of applications based on the use of products and to improve algorithms and methods.

Prof. Dr. José Fernández
Dr. Antonio Turiel
Guest Editors

María José González Bonilla
Juan Manuel Cuerda Muñoz
Nuria Casal Vázquez
Guest Editor Assistants